What is Canada Study Permit?

Australian Skilled Immigration Consultant

The Canadian diploma is a printed permit issued by the official concerned, enabling foreign students to study in Canada. It enters into force 90 days after the completion of the curriculum. The program is considered complete when you receive notification of a program from your institution.

Who is all freed from the right to study?

You do not have to study the right to study in Canada in the following cases:

  • If you choose to study a short-term program or course, ie a course that lasts six months or less.
  • Under the Canadian Law on Visiting Your Law, if you are a member of a foreign armed force, you do not have to study the right to study in Canada.
  • If you are a family or a staff member of Canada's Foreign Representative, recognized as DFATD (Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development, Canada), you are exempt from the right to study.
  • If you are a citizen of another country, you have a registered Indian status in Canada; you would not require permission to study in Canada.
  • How to apply for a Canadian degree permit:
  • If you have a study module approval book, you can apply for a study register online in Canada. However, remember to keep the following things up:

Scanner or Camera to create electronic copies of your documents so you can send them to the same application. Need a credit card to pay the required fees.

The Canadian Immigration and Visa process is regularly updated so you can contact expert immigration advisers on Liverpool's latest immigration updates and process details.
